I hope to finally turn to this site more properly once term is over but for now a short news update.
I recently passed my Viva with no corrections. I’d like to thank my external examiner Étienne Balibar for making the time for my project along of course with thanks to my supervisor David McNeill and to many others who will be thanked properly elsewhere. When term is over I will begin working on the monograph.
I’ve just finished shooting a very short documentary piece with BBC Scotland – once it has been edited and put online I will put a connection up here. It focused on the Freudian account of mourning and the locket of Sophie that Freud wore in his watch chain. I was also recently live on Nightwaves again discussing the latest book by Carl Watkins – the very enjoyable The Undiscovered Country – link here.
The issue of Les Temps Modernes with my article on Derrida has been available for a little while now – to order a copy see here.